Over the decades, the rapid development of broadly defined computer technologies is observed. In the 60s of the twentieth century, when the first integrated circuit (IC) has been developed the revolution in the computer hardware started. The advancement of microelectronic technology resulted in increase of number of transistors placed on microprocessors. Regularity in the development of digital technology was discovered in 1965 by co-founder of Intel Corporation – Gordon Moore. In 1975, Moore formulated statement, named the Moore’s law, concerned the rate of density doubling. He observed that “circuit density-doubling would occur over 24 month”. The statement has been generalized for many IT areas like size of RAM and HDD or bandwidth of computer networks. The most popular example is the increase of the number of transistors on integrated circuits…
The main aim of this research was to present overview and perform resources analysis of the OpenStack cloud computing software platform. In our paper, we put emphasis on the problems that are meet by a new user and familiarized the installation method of the environment…