As we delve deeper into the ‘Digital Age’, we witness
an explosive growth in the volume, velocity, and variety
of data available on the Internet. For example, in 2012,
about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data were created each
day. The data originated from multiple types of sources,
including mobile devices, sensors, individual archives, social
networks, the Internet of Things, enterprises, cameras,
software logs, etc. Such ‘data explosions’ have raised one
of the most challenging research questions of the current
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) era: how
to effectively and optimally manage such large amounts
of data and identify new ways to analyse them in order
to unlock information….
Blockchain is a popular financial technology, which uses
ICT environments for virtual financial transactions using
cryptocurrencies (e.g. Bitcoin). Blockchain customers store
their transaction records in the blockchain P2P network,
which effectively utilises the computing resources of its
peers. A proof of work and a proof of stake are blockchain
consensus algorithms that are used to improve the security
of blockchain transactions…